Supporting effective SEND teaching & learning in primary foreign languages.

Supporting effective SEND teaching & learning in primary foreign languages
In this free 1-hour webinar we will look at some of the key challenges SEND children face in the classroom and the specific impact these can have on their learning during primary foreign language lessons.

We will be joined by SEND specialist Catherine Landucci who will explain the difficulties SEND children face in the classroom and we'll then look at how our Language Angels resources can help support you and all of your pupils to ensure everyone gets the inclusive and rewarding foreign language lessons they deserve, delivered in a way that will allow all pupils to thrive.

We'll be using our Language Angels resources to demonstrate our approach but the knowledge and information we will share will be transferable to your own scheme of work if you're not a Language Angels user.

The session will be recorded and a full copy of the webinar will be sent to everyone that signs up for the webinar even if you can't attend the session live.

All primary foreign language leaders and teachers are welcome.

We hope you can join us.